As Colorado Democrats, we believe…
In an economy where hard work is rewarded, where everyone pays their fair share and plays by the rules
In a government that’s focused on building a more secure middle class, with good paying jobs, affordable higher education and healthcare, and a secure retirement
In a government that follows science and is working to confront the challenges of the climate crisis
That everyone – not just those at the top – should have a fair shot at success and a chance to get ahead
That we all have a responsibility to ourselves, our families and our communities
That all people should have the freedom to make their own choices and live the life they want
That all Americans should have the right to vote and we should be making it easier to vote, not harder.
Many people vote in the Presidential election every four years, but there are so many ways you can get involved at a local level to make a difference in your community. And we need your support! So contact us, donate, volunteer, and come out for local community events! You will meet some amazing people and have a voice in important local issues.