Recently, State Rep. Dylan Roberts was described in a letter to the editor as only a “nice young man” running for Senate District 8 in Colorado. While I agree that he is an exceedingly nice young man, Roberts has been one of our most effective legislators during his time in office. His dedication has resulted in major wins for the lives of Coloradans, especially those living in mountain and rural communities. Here is just a partial list of his accomplishments:
First-in-the-nation cap on the cost of insulin
Colorado Option for health insurance with projected 15% reduction in premium costs in 2023
Numerous initiatives to improve housing affordability, including HB22-1282, HB22-1304, SB22-146, SB22-159, SB22-160
Roberts chairs the Affordable Housing Task Force, responsible for distributing the $400 million Colorado received from the federal government. This is the largest single investment in affordable housing in Colorado’s history, and Roberts worked to ensure nearly half of those funds were designated for mountain and rural communities — not the Front Range. This enormous investment will be supplemented in the future by funds from the local lodging taxes, thanks to Roberts’ work in sponsoring HB22-1117.
Instead of chasing a higher salary in the private sector, Roberts began his career as an Eagle County Deputy District Attorney and has remained engaged as a dedicated public servant with two terms in the state house. Such selfless service for the greater good should be appreciated and applauded by all of us.
If the question is what has Dylan Roberts actually done for his district, the answer is plenty. This November, vote for Dylan Roberts for SD8!
Nancy Tashman Avon