Here are 10 ways you are keeping money in your pocket:
Reductions to property tax assessment rates will reduce property taxes for homeowners, farmers and ranchers and properties used for renewable energy production.
Cut the cost of a state parks pass by more than half through the Keep Colorado Wild Pass starting in 2023
Eliminated out-of-network surprise billing in health care
Reduced tuition payments for child care through the child care assistance program
Provided free education and training opportunities for Coloradans to upskill, reskill and next skill to get a good job in our most in-demand industries, such as healthcare, IT, education, construction and manufacturing
Closed corporate tax loopholes so that large out-of-state corporations pay more and passed the savings on to main-street businesses
Quadrupling the College Opportunity Scholarship Initiative to make college more affordable for more students
Signed legislation creating the Prescription Drug Affordability Board, which is tasked with lowering prescription drug costs for Colorado consumers
Small and mid-size stores are now allowed to keep a higher percentage of their sales tax collections through a larger vendor fee and we’re proposing to increase it even more for small retailers
All children can now attend full day kindergarten for free so families no longer need to pay for a full day, saving parents hundreds of dollars each month