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Climate change has destabilized the Earth’s poles, putting the rest of the planet in peril.


New research shows how rising temperatures have irreversibly altered both the Arctic and Antarctic. Ripple effects will be felt around the globe. That's why Biden has announced actions that directly tackle climate change. The Build Back Better Framework will:

  • Cut greenhouse gas pollution by well over one gigaton in 2030

  • Reduce clean energy costs for working families

  • Give our kids cleaner air and water

  • Create hundreds of thousands of good-paying jobs

  • Advance environmental justice while investing in a 21st century clean energy economy

President Biden’s agenda represents the U.S. intention to capture the economic opportunity that addressing climate change presents. President Biden is committed to cutting greenhouse gas emissions 50-52 percent below 2005 levels in 2030, reaching a 100% carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035, and achieving a net-zero economy by no later than 2050 – all while creating good paying jobs. Democrats recognize that climate change is a global emergency that must be addressed.

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